Awards and Recognition
Distinguished Scholar Award, National Communication Association, 2017.
Fellow, Centre for the Study of Children and Media, Amsterdam School of Communication Research, University of Amsterdam, 2015-present.
Fulbright Scholar, the Netherlands, Spring 2013.
International Communication Association Fellow, elected 2013.
International Communication Association Steven Chaffee Award for Career Productivity, 2013, for sustained work on a communication research problem over an extended period that is original, asks conceptually rich questions, and offers empirically sound evidence comprising multiple projects and publications and generating second-generation work among students and other scholars.
Charles H. Woolbert Research Award for research that has “stood the test of time and become the stimulus for new conceptualizations of communication phenomena for over 10 years,” National Communication Association, 2009: "Computer-mediated communication: Impersonal, interpersonal, and hyperpersonal interaction," Communication Research (1996), 23, 3-43.
Charles H. Woolbert Research Award for research that has “stood the test of time and become the stimulus for new conceptualizations of communication phenomena for over 10 years,” National Communication Association, 2002: "Interpersonal effects in computer-mediated interaction: A relational perspective," Communication Research (1992), 19, 52-90.
Franklin H. Knower Award for outstanding article in the field of Interpersonal Communication, National Communication Association, 2006.
Franklin H. Knower Award for outstanding article in the field of Interpersonal and Small Group Interaction, National Communication Association, 1997.
Dissertation Award for 1990‑1992, Communication and Technology division, International Communication Association, 1993
Ameritech Research Professorship, Northwestern University, 1993
Junior Faculty Research Fellowship, University of Oklahoma, 1991
Top paper, Communication and Technology division, International Communication Association, 1995, 2013, 2015, 2017.
Top paper, National Communication Association, Human Communication and Technology division, 2011, 2012, 2014; NCA Group Communication division, 2007, 2008.
Top four paper, Information Systems division, International Communication Association, 2006.
Top four paper, Interpersonal and Small Group Interaction division, National Communication Association, 1997; Speech Communication Association, 1993.